♥♥♥♥♥♥Made with LOVE and INTENTION ♥♥♥♥♥♥

LIVE the CHANGE you want to see in the WORLD -your Children will follow NATURALLY!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

PLAY - Natural Intelligence and Learning :)

Hello to ALL the CHILDREN HERE and NOW
BIG and small ;)

We have RE-started our Natural Learning Adventures and more that ever it is crystal clear to me that we 100% can TRUST our children to take charge of their own LEARNING RHYTHM!
Yes they do need our support and reflections since we are their loving guides, but they do not need SCHOOLS to be the only possibility which ensures that they will learn.....
Children and ourselves learn best once our NATURAL INTELLIGENCE is stimulated.... and how do we stimulate our Natural Intelligence?
Through PLAY and ONLY through PLAY - ANY Activity can be PLAY depending on our Relationship !
One can play the piano or practice which means work.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" said Einstein

So lets support ourselves to regain this TRUST, go into your Imagination - just follow your Children;) and BE the CREATOR of LIFE!

I just updated some Reflections of the Adventures we have made in the past 4 months.... the documentations will serve us to reflect about the Synchronicity our CHILDREN are naturally IN! We are able to clearly SEE in the REVIEW of HOW they are in TUNE with the MAYAN CALENDAR Energies. the Moon and the Stars and HOW beautifully THEY design the UNIQUE LEARNING Rhythm...

For the ONES who are not my FRIENDS in FB yet, welcome to connect with me

In fact I would love to add you ALL on my NEWSLETTER email account, so if you could simply send me an email:
with "children news" in the subject....

Stay connected
For the CHILDREN of this planet
For the HERE and NOW
Keep it SIMPLE (;


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