♥♥♥♥♥♥Made with LOVE and INTENTION ♥♥♥♥♥♥

LIVE the CHANGE you want to see in the WORLD -your Children will follow NATURALLY!

Monday, September 28, 2009

What is “We learn together” our multi-age UN-SCHOOL Community Project about?

It is an invitation to parents who feel that
..the conventional school system does not fit and nourishes their children,
..who like to support each other on the way of rising children out of the mainstream
and want to explore new ways of learning!

Home schooling and Un-schooling are ways to see children as a unique being of potentials. It encourages them to celebrate who and what they are!
Home-schooling often follows a public approach at home were a Curriculum is taken from the outside.
Un-schooling is experienced–based or independent and natural learning

Un-schooling isn’t a method, it is a way of looking at children and at life!

We are fusing families who are taking charge of their own education and give them the space to collectively interact. We, in co creation with the parents, set a platform for the children to take responsibility of there own learning process.
We do not follow a “outside designed” curriculum
We trust that parents and children together, will find that path that works best for them. The learning experience for both, children and parents, is generated through an ongoing basis from the questions, ideas and theories put forward by the children, supported by the skills, talents and experience of the parents
We have no teachers (yet we are welcoming anyONE who like to make projects with the children ) this set the space for the parents to share their talents and ideas with the children, creating together a
...........UN-SCHOOL Experience !
We intend to create together an environment where children can express themselves, explore and investigate, think and reflect, be involved in projects, reinforce their identities, communicate and feel their identity and where their individuality is respected.
Since Children are naturally connected to the heartbeat of the Universe,
creative learning in TOUCH with Nature and Spirit
plays an essential role in Children Here and Now and will be emphasized on a daily base! (see Mystery School)
When Parents and Children join the forces, connecting the Community and share the UN school Experience we see a possibility for many more children and their families to explore and follow this NATURAL WAY of LEARNING and explore the world!

There is much more to share about….
For me this is only a beginning, a kind of Prototype, of what we can possibly manifest!
This is an invitation for you to experience UN Schooling without the so often overwhelming feeling of: “I have to do it alone”
We are not alone….we are ALL ONE and this experience is the natural state of being of ALL Children!
Children Here and Now is ever
Exploring .....
.........and Allowing to be carried by the children ... wherever it is BEST for them!

Anyone who likes to be with children and has an interest to learn and explore alongside with them, is welcome to join in and experience!

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