♥♥♥♥♥♥Made with LOVE and INTENTION ♥♥♥♥♥♥

LIVE the CHANGE you want to see in the WORLD -your Children will follow NATURALLY!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Body, Mind and SOUL – a ONENESS REALITY and how to support our Children….

We are living in Reality with an unlimited POTENTIAL of possibilities!
Many of us become more and more conscious about this matter, waking up, yet are still struggle ling with the very matter of how to manage this GREAT PLAYGROUND on Planet EARTH.
For some reason (guess why!?) the basic skills which are CONNECTING us as ONE have been never added into our conventional school curriculums!

This SAD FACT supported us to make the FANTASTIC decision to UN-SCHOOL our children…
When we then started with CHILDREN HERE and NOW it was crystal clear to us that we wanted to support our children to stay connected to our DIVINE PLAYGROUND and to enjoy this Reality to the max ;)
…..and we were curious what WE can LEARN from them…..

Here is a simply reflection from my side towards what we are consciously bringing in focus during the TIME with the KIDS!

We like to explore NEW AREAS which the mainstream education ignores
In this areas our focus is based on Oneness Experiences
We are ENERGY We live in a world represented by things of matter, appearing ‘solid’ and composed entirely of energy. The children understand this. They need to know how to live in both worlds whilst we create a ‘better’ world for us all.
They are the SEEDS
The SHIFT in CONSIOUSNESSIt is now Time, with the Shift of Consciousness fully present, with the obvious deterioration of life systems around us, the realization that there is no such thing anymore as “weather patterns” and all will be intensifying, that the HUMAN BEING is in a deep need to have the Children growing into the Awareness of how to life a HEALTHY Conscious Life on Planet Earth as ENERGY manifestedOur world is experiencing vast and intense change in the land and in the ability to live in the manner we have grown accustomed.
NEW WAYS of living on PLANET EARTH…… VISION “How to survive”;)
Never has been a time when the ART of BEING HUMAN and developing our full selves, our spiritual potential has been of more importants !URGENT call!We need to know HOW to deal with change and to place a focus on developing values and attitudes for a lifetime,
Our children need the balance of body, emotions and mind, the concept of Love or ‘Heart’ actions and ‘Spirit’They are naturally in absolute synchronicity and harmony with this HERE and NOW! Mainstream Education wants to and has consciously taken away this connection through conditioning They do not want children to be connected, since they have their own intention with them.
In Children Here and Now learning is looked at as a spiral process that occurs with constant revisiting. Learning is continual and it goes deeper with each re-visitation.
It is ever EVOLVING
Like the Earth is spiraling through the Universe!
(see with the kids little animation about Earth spiraling in Space)

In laying the foundation for our children becoming self reliant, realizing their human potential and TRUSTING in what they perceive is right, there are several areas of focus

PHYSICALLY ……SURVIVALThrough the shift of Consciousness on Earth we might need to know how to survive on Earth…. How to find water, how to grow food, how to make a fire, how to find your way….Even if we will not come to these very basic of survival experience, the children love to explore these EARTHLY matters...

Children have a full spectrum of emotions that often seem too large for them to manage, for which we provide grounded techniques and tools to live on a planet of duality, polarity and paradox. There are great differences in each year a child is born. In other words, the qualities and traits they have are varying from year to see the children being presented with energy concepts of how energy functions and expresses. Whilst the child may have a feeling of what is true, it is mandatory that these things be spoken about in depth as we do with reading & writing year.

Saying what is real – is essential in our approach and we spend a lot of time with the children on communicating what they perceive.
We support them to identifying their emotions and allow them to express their feelings. e.g. Controlling versus saying what’s realIn a confrontation saying the truth and listening to the truth of the other is an important part of a respectful relationship, involving a willingness to value the point of view of other.Listening to the theories and opinions put forward by an individual gives value to those ideas and thereby gives value to the individual. The self-esteem of both children and adults is supported and developed through knowing that their FEELINGS are important and worthy of consideration and discussion.On that point we can reflect for them the situation, offer solutions and support them to find conscious solution on their OWN to their issues. In this we invest a lot of time, since it is the BASE for DAILY LIFE and the life long LEARNING!This give the children the Trust and Confidence that there is no right or wrong.
The conventional schools have no time, energy and space to explore this. They might not even want it ….Children which are from their point of view disturbing or appear different are usually send to the school counselor to label their disease…

SPIRITUALITY we are LOVE we are ONEWe address—very simply—the diversity of spiritual traditions. This is from the perspective of ONENESS rather than a religious way of life, because the Children of the Here and Now have a high degree of ceremonialism and honor in them, and do not like structure, control or dogma.In Children Here and Now we are a mixed diversity like the world.
We support the children in rooting themselves into ONENESS Experience were they directly communicate with Mother Earth and Father Sky and the entire UNIVERSE?
ONENESS is best experienced through feeling the energy when we get together in CIRCLE Gatherings like in ancient times …

We are enjoying your reflections and input on our journey through the UNIVERSE ;)
Let stay connected
For the CHILDREN of this planet
For the HERE and NOW
Keep it SIMPLE (;

Dariya Avantario

PS: Our experiences until NOW have given us a few PRACTICAL IDEAS FOR THE here AND now …. To be published at ONE point in TIME

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