♥♥♥♥♥♥Made with LOVE and INTENTION ♥♥♥♥♥♥

LIVE the CHANGE you want to see in the WORLD -your Children will follow NATURALLY!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

MY Child ♥ YOUR Child ♥ OUR Children by "Children" HERE and NOW

We are the TREEs of the STARS on Earth!

EveryONE taking part in this DIVINE PLAY on EARTH has entered this Reality on the GAIA Body as a SEED – planted by Papa in your Mamas Womb!
We ALL come from the same Source and will return to the same, once our Role in the PLAY called “EARTH” is completed!
We were FREE to choose WHAT Role to PLAY and which Stage to BE part of and then we embarked into our Earthly Adventures………

                   INDIGO CHILDREN
                               CRYSTAL CHILDREN
                                                RAINBOW CHILDREN

I all-ways have been hesitating to use these Names given to Children, not because I do not believe that they are Children from the STARS resonating in the most WONDERful Frequencies, but mainly I did not want to LABEL them into a Group or Category!
Labeling, no matter what, always goes along with a limitation of Space in which LIFE can GROW ♥

I FEEL it is the TIME to EXPAND the SPACE for “our” CHILDREN ε(•̃͡-̮•̃͡)з  to GROW ƸӜƷ

Let US simply watch OUR Children the WAY they ARE!

Unique Beings – each and ONE of them so beautifully Special ♥¸.•°*”˜☆ ★ ˜”*°•. ✫♥•
Children are NATURally CONNECTed, no matter in which Environment they are born and GROW!
As everyONE in this Universe has its own taste of WHAT the like to eat, so DO our Children have their OWN TASTE of WHAT the like to LEARN!

These most amazing SEEDS surely need the RIGHT FOOD!
It is on us as Parents to provide this Right Food for them on ALL Levels!

               Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually!

The Main Ingredient here is LOVE .♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸. ♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸♥

In REALity Children do not need much but giving them LOVE to support their GROWth!
Why limiting your Childs Potential by labeling it!?
Labeling can makes the Parent feel special about their child, depending on the “Stamp” given and might end up into an Ego Identification!
On the other side Children labeled with dis-ease like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Anti Deficiency Disorder (ADD) or Autism does make parents feel helpless, placed into a corner and often left there with Medication!
Any LABEL often creates pressure on the Child to perform, keeping them dis-connected to their Natural Ability to FLOW FREEly as they are!

HOW often do we find our Star–Indigo–Crystal and Rainbow Children labeled with ADHD, ADD and Autism!?
Have you ever wondered WHY!?

Here WE as PARENTS and the expanded Family or COMMUNITY are challenged to make Difference!
Let us SHIFT our focus on the Children and “recognize” WHO they ARE and ALLOW “them” to do the same!

Yes ♥  OUR children need to FEEL special and LOVED!
Each and ONE of them in their UNIQUE way!

We need to GIVE them the SPACE for

Discovering WHO they are
                Remembering WHY there on Earth

                                  and to Grow NATURally  to their fullest POTENTIAL !
 They do need Recognition and Encouragement, but pay Attention to the pressure you put on them for “any special ability” they REFLECT!

Children until a certain Age, which differs, do not have the Abilities to understand the total Picture of their Potential. The Complexity of their UNIQUE BEing-ness will Naturally EVOLVE with Time - their OWN Time - which allows them to Integrate, Understand and LIVE  “who” they are!

Once we really OPEN our Eyes and observe them in given SPACE, we find CHILDREN with all kinds of AMAZING “Gifts”SEEDed within their BEing. J
Whatever each Ability and Gift inside of them - it is WONDERful and needs the loving support and the Re-spond-ability of us, as Parents, Educators and every Human Being!

If we, as Adults, do not understand this we can make a Child feel Isolated and Alone! Then it is not until they are old enough to find Information in Books and Internet, that they REALize others SHARE their Perceptions and Abilities!
Do you Adult remember this Moment in your Life?

.♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸. ♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸♥ The S☆T☆A☆R☆ LIGHTs shining us the way to the NEW Earth are our CHILDREN!

More and more Children on EARTH are NOW allowed to Explore and Experience FREEdom in LEARNing!
Un-schooling FAMILIES and Natural LEARNERs are gathering ALL over the Globe……a NEW understanding of Education is growing stronger and OUR Children are
☆ ALLOWed to PLAY and keeping their IMAGINATION aLIVE ☆ Given the Responsibility to BE part of LIFE ☆ Nourished in their MINDs BODIEs and SOUL ☆ they RECEIVE theRight Food to GROW !

Re-MEMBER - we are the TREEs of the STARS on Earth!
Our Children contain the SEEDs for the TREEs of the FUTURE!

It is the TIME for Humanity to AWAKE – we TRUST you have chosen too -
….more and more you will REALIZE that our CHILDREN are ALL-ready AWAKE!

We, as Parents, are invited to BE our TRUE SELF, the most important thing you can do for them, and INTEND the BEST to keep your Children’s MEMORY intact!
They hold the resonance of ONEness for ALL until we also RESONATE with the greater REALITY – the NEW Earth!

Trust that they have chosen their Parents well to ACTivate their FULL S☆T☆A☆R☆ Selves!
Do not fall asleep again, as your Children can become dormant too…..

Let US CREATE the World so we can enJOY the deLIGHTful BLESSINGs which our CHILDREN bring us ♥¸.•°*”˜☆ ★ ˜”*°•. ✫♥• JOY fresh ENERGY and IN-SIGHTs from the GREATER REALITY
MY Child
YOUR Child

For the HERE and NOW

Dariya Avantario

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Feel invited to connect with our CHILDREN HERE and NOW Community!
Our website is allways in CREATion and GROWing
We do have pretty In-Formative BLOG – and links to the AWARE PARENTING MOVEMENT…..
It is truly important to receive the RIGHT IN-FORMation about Birthing and GROWing Children into a LIFE in the 21st Century!
We are all-ways LEARNing
and HERE you find US in Facebook”

“The way the children are treated, they will treat the world”
Pam Leo, Connection Parenting

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Please come and visit Children Here and Now :)) if you come to GOA!
much LOVE n LIGHT to you and Blessing on your Path  ♥¸.•°*”˜☆★ ˜”*°•. ✫♥• 
Stay Connected
Dariya Avantario
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We are an INVITATION and WAY that your CHILDREN can BEcome
☆☆☆ little emPOWERing S.T.A.R.s with FREEdom to enLIGHTen our UNIVERSE ☆☆☆ 
CHILDREN ε(•̃͡-̮•̃͡)з HERE and NOW

MY Child ♥ YOUR Child ♥ OUR Children by "Children" HERE and NOW

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