A fun - filled month of DECEMBER
Dariya Diary
2 LUNAR HUMAN 1st December 2009
CIRCLE: Orange with Kalen
Uta and Luc 1st time
Question : why everyone is here?
Tp play/ to learn/ because the brother is sick/to meet
- Explored what possibility they have today
- - Garden – Puschel – cooking Cutlins
- Veggis – Flea market Ad
Flashenzuge Tara and Kalen
Science you learn pulling robe
“Flying Fox” Transporter crossing the garden + Elevator Climbing up
We made an Advertisement: How to get people to the market.
- putting up posters – before we can do this we have to make the post
- Tanay started today.
- Kalen and Tara planted Pineapple.
- Tanay continued stamping library
- Luc and Ramesh full in the Garden
- Filling up their pots with Mud to plant inside tomorrow
- Transplanted Rucula/Nadine And Issa cut out Circles for Poschel
- Tanay joined later
- SNACK 11:45
- Nadine and Lisa started Puschels and slowly everyone joined.
- Playing with Petshop – recreating little Realities and Homer
- Late Lunch 13:45
Free Play
Until they all joined us (Nadine /lisa/M) in designing our Children Here and Now
- since they realized that it is in fact painting with letters they got totally absorbed and stayed far over, end of the day time!
Lisa and Nadine Diary
Tuesday, 1.12.2009
As nearly every day we began in a circle. The color of today was orange. After the aura soma session some children went into the garden for some gardening, others just played something and others helped Lisa with cutting circles for later work. Then there was already the snack break.Then we made ‘Puschel’ out of wool and the circles. The children liked it very much but it takes always so long before they are finished. So the kids stop and worked on it later. There were also children who climbed in the ‘Klettergerüst’. At 1pm the youngest children left us and we had lunch with all the other kids. After that there was an hour of free play and the children did something on their own. The last thing for today was making advertisements for the flea market on December 27th.
Dariya Diary
3 ELECTRIC SKYWALKER 2nd December 2009
Some wisdom shared by our children
“Yesterday is History tomorrow is Mystery, today is the present that’s why it’s called a GIFT.
Kung Fu Panda
Nature – Plant seed it grows with water and sun
You have a plant and then you get a Tree. Its like Magic.
We sang “Earth my body song’
Lisa and Nadine Diary
Wednesday, 2.12.2009
The color of today was yellow and it was also the day of the electric sky walker. That is why we began with playing with balloons in the garden. But actually that was not the best idea. The grass is so spitz that all balloons got kaput. So Tanay and Kalen began to make water bombs of the balloons. After 30 minutes we went into the garden in order to work there and plant new seeds.After the snack break some kids worked further on their ‘Puschels’. Issa wanted to write something so first Lisa and then Nadine did some writing exercises with her. Later Nadine read a story to some kids and at 1pm we sat in a circle and sang ‘Puff the magic dragon’. In the end of the day we said out the three oms and everybody went home.
Dariya Diary
4 CAN IX – Self Existing Wizard 3rd December 2009
There was a full moon last night.
We had a BAKING DAY with 3 different types of Flour.
We explored the different ways of how Flour of Wheat can be
Whole Wheat Corn
Whole Wheat Flour with All Husks
Whole Wheat Flour through Strain which is very Fine.
White Flour Only the Inside of the Corn
Prepared 3 x 1Kg of each and added Yeast/Sugar Milk to Activate
CIRCLE gathering with Color Green of today tone 4 Self Existing
Singing ‘Puff the Magic Dragon for Show.
- Step (2) Making the Dough – Yeast Activated.
Everyone had his/her own experience with the Gluey sticky Masses. Again the Dough needs to REST
Everyone floated into doing his own thing
- Kalen made a sign for the school
- No smoking – no mobile – no sugar
- Tanay continued his Library
- Luc and Ramesh made Lego and Wool Necklaces
- Isso and Zorah Practiced Writing
- Then we were running already short of time and we went into the final stage of
Shaping the 3 different kinds of dough’s into Fantasy Breads
- All could FEEL the different Textures of the 3 stages of Flour as extras we added:
Schocolade grated Raisins
And each got a piece of all 3 kinds of Flour.
We managed to get the first load baked before the little ones left and had a very late lunch
At 2.00 p.m
Everyone felt fulfilled and happy after lunch enjoying his handmade Bread after Free Play.
So we got Lisa /Nadine and Dariya
- Handpainted Tatoos from Zorah and Kalen
- A massage from Issa and Zorah and Kiyara and it was great.
Life can be sooo Relaxed…..
In the Garden we transplanted the Basmati Plant Today !
We had a Sound Healing Concert with kailash kokopelliat healing here and now in Assagao "The Land”
Children sold their handmade creations and 2nd toys /clothes…
Children made cake –chai –lemonade- cookies and sold donation plants & trees from our nursery…
Lisa and Nadine Diary
Thursday, 3.12.2009
Today we had a long day. The theme of this day was flour and bread. First of all the kids learned that there are many different kinds of flour. They were allowed to touch them and smell them. We made three groups and each group made one doom out of the different flours. Due to the fact that the doom is made of gist, we had to wait. So we sat in the circle to have another aura soma session with green light. After that we sang ‘Puff the magic dragon’ so that the kids learn the song for our show in the end of December.Now the gist was good and we made the doom. Next we had to wait an hour and so we had our snack break. Issa and Zorah write some sentences down. Tanay did some bibliotheca work and the other kids just played something. As the doom was ready everybody got a bit of every doom to make some chocolate bread. Then everything came into the oven and we had to wait. In this break Ramesh and Luuk played animals who were sick and Lisa had to heal them. At 2 pm we had our lunch. After that, the bread was ready and we could eat it.At the end of the day Issa and Zorah gave us a massage, which was very good indeed.
Dariya Diary
Overtone Eagle 4th December 2009
We had a song and dance celebration for children with kailash kokopelli
friday in assagao on "the land"
We started in the afternoon and ended up with a warm bonfire.
Lisa and Nadine Diary
Friday, 4.12.2009
We sat in circle and talked about numbers, which were written by Maria. Some children cut the numbers and others painted them. Then we glue it on a big paper and every child wrote his name by his age. After that the kids made a picture of their own after their names. The next thing they done were playing taxi with a house building. In the snack break we ate the bread we made yesterday. Now it was already hard and the children prefer to eat fruits like apple and pomegranate.After the break we went into the garden to water the plants together. The next thing they done were playing with the liane, which hangs in a very tall coconut tree. Furthermore we sang ‘Puff the magic dragon’ and made already plans how the children can act. Maria taught us new songs. After that some kids climbed and others listened to the stories Maria read.At the end of the day we made the three ‘aums’ and everybody went home.
Tuesday, 9.12.2009
As every day we sat in circle in order to have the aura soma session. The color of today was turquoise. Today there was Alison who made yoga with the kids. She also told them a story and they sang a song. During this we prepared the boxes for the flea market. After the yoga session some children already helped us to make the boxes. After the snack break we really began to show everybody how to make them. This was a nice issue because it did not take much time to make them. In the end we painted the boxes. Now we can use them as secret boxes, or present boxes, or cookies boxes. Later the kids tried their costumes for the ‘Puff-show’ and we distribute the different roles.After lunch there was time for free play. Then the kids started to play football. The rest of the day we went on with making boxes. At the end we finished the day with three oms.
Wednesday, 10.12.2009
The color of today was dark blue. After the circle we started with singing ‘Puff’. Till the snack break we played with play-doh. Today the children imagined they were in a bakery and made bread and pizzas out of play-doh. Dariya sat down with Zorah and Issa in order to make some writing exercises. After this we had the snack break.The next thing the children did was free play. This is always very interesting to follow. The children have such a good imagination and so amazing ideas what they can do. Moreover, in this time the younger children look what the older children do and so they learn from them. In the end we started with making octopuses out of wool.
Thursday, 11.12.2009
The day began as every day in a circle with the color violet. Today Andrea was in the school to make music with the children. She brought a lot of instruments with her and the children tried them out. They also should hear which tone is higher and which one is lower. In the beginning this was quite difficult for the children but in the end they could make the right decision. We also sang and played some Christmas songs the children already knew. The younger children started to prepare the doom for the Christmas cookies. After the snack break everybody tried his costume for ‘Puff’ on. As everybody had the right costume we started with playing ‘Puff’. Andrea played keyboard and the children sang and acted. This took a lot of time.After the lunch break there was free play. After a half hour we started with making the cookies. Everybody wanted to help and make his own cookies. But, after about 30 minutes, nobody wanted to go on because it took to much time. So we two had to finish the cookies alone. During this time the children started to play football.
Friday, 12.12.2009
On Friday we were alone with Maria and Camilla. We started the day with painting the advertisements for the flea market. After that we sat in circle. The color of today was orange. Following the aura soma session, we started to sing some songs. Then the children put on their costumes and we practiced the ‘Puff’ musical. Today it was difficult because the children who have a big role were not there. So we had to improve a lot.After the snack break we went on with making the octopuses for the flea market. There was free play as well. The day ended in a big circle and we sang a lot of songs. We also got the first Christmas cookies to eat and the children were very happy about that. The day ended with the three oms.
Wednesday, 16.12.2009
We began the day in the circle. The color of today was green and it was the self-existing day ). After this we played and sing ‘Puff’. We went on withJ(Lisa’s Mayan birthday painting, making boxes and making octopuses. After the snack break Uta went in the garden with the small children for some garden work. Then there was some free play. The next thing was that we went on with producing nice things for the flea market. With this spent the time till lunch.
Thursday, 17.12.2009
The color of the day was blue. So we felt blue what means that we are free and have enough space for oneself. Today Andrea was at school to make some music with the kids. We played our name with a wooden block and all the other repeated the name in either piano, mezzo or forte. Then we played and sang ‘Puff’ to show the children how to act the different characters. So after this it was easier for the children to play the different roles. After the snack break Andrea went on with making music. Marsha brought a pumpkin in order to make a very delicious pumpkin soup. Some children helped her, others made music and some children played freely. Today the lunch break was very late. At the end of the day we decorated our own Christmas tree with self-made Christmas balls.
Tuesday, 22.12.2009
We started the day in the circle. After that Alison made yoga with the children. Other children already started with making Puschels. With this we went on till the snack break. After that Andrea came to practice our Puff song with all the costumes for the last time before the flea market. Then we had our lunch break. After the lunch the children started with free play and Vincent and Finn painted their draws. Then we went on with making Puschels. The day ended in a circle.
Wednesday, 23.12.2009
On Wednesday we were the first time alone with the children. We started the day in a circle. Nadine, Dieter and some children started with making Christmas cookies. Lisa made with the other children Puschel. This took all the day and we just had a break for the snack. In the end all children tried a cookie and went home.
Friday, 25.12.2009
On Friday we had our Christmas party at school. In the morning we started with some preparation work for the flea market. We made labels and also the prices for the things we made the last weeks. At 4 pm the party started. A lot of families came with their children. There were also a lot of people who do not have any children at the school. Everybody brought something to eat or to drink and the children played Puff. Later there was Santa Claus as well and every child got a present from him. The party went on till 7pm.
Sunday, 27.12.2009 "Fleamarket DAY :)"
On Sunday we started with the preparation at 9.30am. We two made waffles and decorated everything for the market. Normally the market should start at 2 pm, but at 1.30 pm many, many people already came. In total the market was a great success for the school. We got a lot of money for the cookies, waffles, cake, chai, lemonade and many things more. The school shop also got a lot of money for the self-made things. We spent our whole day at the school and we were very busy with selling.
Dariya Diary
Self-Existing Can Ahau Sun 27th December 2009
WOW its been THE day of the YEAR:)
Our Fleamarket was a full success! Starting at 14:00 pm the days was busy than never, but the air was filled with excitement! EveryONE was well prepared and more than ready to get into ACTION! We have been working playfully yet with continuty on creating "things" to sell for our CHILDREN HERE and NOW SHOP.....and we had something to present !!!! Everything was HANDMADE......from Mobile, Wool Octopus, Gift Boxes, Greeting Cards, Fruit Posters, Joggeling Poys, God Eyes, Bookmarks and even a handpainted BOOK of Dinosaurs......our Garden Nursery with homegrown PLANTS was also present :)
The Feedback for our ART was reflecting it AND the SELL even more:)THe kids where taking charge of their own little stalls, selling their grown out toys, clothes, cycles, dolls, cars....and MANY came with HANDMADE items as well......the money knd of turned around, as once a sell was completed...a NEW buy took place :).....the focus on the economic side of this market was pretty surprising....ah they love money:0Our DRINK and FOOD stall was selling NON-STOP our homemade cakes, waffels, lemonades, Christ-Stollen were YUMMY and made the highest TURN AROUND.....Lisa & Nadine did a GREAT JOB!Our SHOW "Puff the MAGIC Dragon" started at 4:30 pm and our Kids were pretty excited to present their little Musical in front of such a BIG Puplic :).....they did it beautifully....rounding up the EVENT with PRAYERS from the handmade PRAYER FLAG from ALL over the WORLD!We were FLYING by the END of that DAY and we can garanty ALL of you...
WE WILL DO IT AGAIN next year......
So in case you have missed it.....dont miss it AGAIN :) We are HAPPY to see you!!!!
Lisa and Nadine Diary
Tuesday, 29.12.2009
On Tuesday we started with the circle. The color of today was green. After this the children played with play do and they also did a lot of free play. After the snack break we went into the garden in order to plant seeds. Every child should choose seeds and plant them on their own so that they also take care of their own plants in the future. The day already ended at 1pm because we did so much in the weekend with the Christmas party and the flea market. In the end we had a circle in the garden and send a prayer to the growth of the seeds.
Wednesday, 30.12.2009We started the day with planting some tomato seeds and watering all the other plants and seeds. Then we went on with reading different stories in different languages to the kids. After the snack break the kids started with free play. The boys started to play football all the day. At the end of the day we made pictures out of glitter and glue.
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