Vaccination is not Immunization.
Say NO to Vaccines.
It is important for ALL of you to understand the effects and danger of vaccination for you and your children!
With the swine flu comes along chance for us to get things back in-FORM!
So please get informed and make the RIGHT choice......
I received this email about a year ago and passed it around in our network!
"An email from a friend today reflected me the URGENCY of this matter!
He said as follows:
This is serious business nobody can look past. The prophecies have been warning us about this a long time ago. Now it is show time. Things move very fast now and we got to be prepared for anything. By becoming aware we can walk with more alertness and strengthen the circle in times of challenge. "
and added a long informative text about the SCAM the governments are up to!
Here an excerpt:
Mass vaccination against flu
"The Norwegian health authorities will this fall begin a program of mass vaccination against the A H1N1 flu, also called the swine flu. A total of 9.4 million doses have been ordered from the suppliers."
For your information to protect You and Your loved ones.
Some scientists taking this to court have evidence indicating mass population control (genocide) by this mandatory vaccine.... Amidst these, Dr Jane Burgermeister (see below)
"Horrors of Vaccination"
"WHO poised to take over governments around the globe after mandating toxic vaccines against H1N1 “swine flu” virus
July 14, 2009 by birdflu666
Yesterday, WHO formally instructed its 194 signatory countries to “vaccinate” their entire population in response to the H1N1 pandemic.
The transcript of the WHO press briefing can be found here.
I have not check all the details of the above links, but invite you to do so and pass on your gained knowledge...If you like to receive the 31 pages text which goes along with it, please send me a message with your email...
Deep from my heart I would like that ALL of you take the time and READ this email from Dr. Leo Rebollo which enlightens VERY well the actuall danger of Vaccination for ourselves and our CHILDREN!!
I feel its time to step up and get in-formed about how to take care of our Children in a way that they stay connected naturally with their environment and build up their IMMUNITY!
Please feel invited and DO circulate this information widely
Here some more links about the danger of Vaccination: VACCINE BILL EVER
Asks Dr. Leo Rebello from Bombay India.
I learn with shock that the worst vaccine law ever is proposed in New York since
the invention of the mandatory schedule. Assembly Bill 10942 would
make all vaccines recommended by the CDC mandatory for all children to attend school.
The bill was introduced at the request of Richard Daines,
the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health.
The Rules Committee in the personal committee of the Assembly Speaker
Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan), I gather from a letter received by me
from a concerned parent.
The good news is that A-CHAMP is calling for rejection of this bill
and is demanding the passage of A5468/S3031, a bill that would give individuals
a right to a philosophical exemption from vaccine mandates and I think the
informed parents and others would ensure that obscure bureaucrats
with financial ties to the vaccine industry do not get the laws passed from
the backdoor defeating democracy and personal freedom itself.
Here are a few dangerous features of the proposed bill which should
be defeated :
* Your elected New York representatives would no longer determine
the mandatory schedule of vaccines to attend school; decisions made
by the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
would automatically become mandatory.
* All children, infants and toddlers in New York would
be required to get all vaccines recommended by the ACIP according to
the ACIP schedule
* All children in New York up to age 18 would be required to get
annual flu shots.
* All girls in New York would be required to get a human papilloma
virus shot.
* All junior high school children and college students would be
required to get meningococcal shots.
* Doctors would be required to issue certificates for every shot
given and parents would be required to maintain the records and
provide them to school and other authorities.
* The rules committee claims that the new laws would have no
fiscal impact on the state despite the necessity of the state to
spend tens of millions on purchasing new vaccines, a vast increase in
mandatory record keeping and enforcement for schools, and a huge
increase that could be expected in the number of cases of
neurological damage, Guillian Barré syndrome and other vaccine-caused
Today it is New York. If this law is allowed to be passed, tomorrow
the Vaccine Industry will press for passing such back door legislation
in other states. The Paediatricians whom you trust with the future of
your tiny tots are of no use because they get 60% of their income by
pushing these useless and deadly poisons.
So, my dear American friends if you are sleeping, it is time to wake up and defeat this bill.
Call up your Assembly Member, State Senator, Speaker, Governor, media persons,
and let them know that this is a disastrous idea which will not be tolerated.
Your well-wisher Dr. Leo Rebello sends you this FREE advice and the following
articles to educate you on the dangerous effects of Vaccination.
by Dr. Leo Rebello
Immunity is inbuilt -- it may be weak, medium or strong. If weak it can be built. For healthy immunity your blood should be 70% alkaline and 30% acidic. But because of the wrong food that we eat day in and day out this ratio is in inverse proportion. Impure blood then destroys the immunity and internal organs creating dis-ease state.
The lethal brew called the vaccinations made from disease cells and so many obnoxious ingredients do not build up immunity. Rather these vaccines are introduced to create more diseases. As I have said in my new doctor's oath, vaccinations are worse than rape. It is heinous and those who have made vaccination mandatory, like in USA and in the EU countries, are the mass murderers. Hitler pales into insignificance when it comes to genocide of small children due to vaccinations.
So many clandestine events are planned behind the closed doors of the medical laboratories which have a set agenda to follow, namely population control. For example, how many people (including doctors, parents, planners, politicians, advocates, administrators, consumer rights organisation) are even aware that now the required number of childhood vaccines has increased to dangerous levels. These are the weapons of mass destruction.
1980 20 vaccines
2003 40 vaccines
2004 53 vaccines
2005 58 vaccines
2006 63 vaccines
2008 68 vaccines
Why is this number going up every year and it is never reported or discussed in the media or in the parliaments of the nations? Earlier, vaccinations were given only to small children. Now they are recommended even to senior citizens and there are 73 vaccines for adults.
As a result people are getting sicker. Issues like, (a) Sudden Infant Death, (b) Autism, (c) Measles (d) Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine, (e) Flu Shots and Mercury in Vaccines, (f) Why infant deformities and deaths are increasing are deliberately not discussed.
New vaccines are being invented every year and routinely included in the "Mandated Immunization Schedule".
Who has made them mandatory and on what basis? Money decides everything. See how Bird Flu scare is created and then inadequately tested or costly Tami Flu is promoted. But cancer and AIDS vaccine is nowhere in sight. Because these two diseases are created by infecting bloodline itself.
Today, there are 68 vaccines mandated for use before a child is eighteen years old. And yet, our infant mortality rate and the health of our children are appalling. The incidence of both infectious diseases and degenerative diseases among Americans is skyrocketing. Allopathy is a pseudo science and allopathic vaccinations are based not on scientific premise but greed and more greed. The role of vaccinations over the past 100 years has been grossly exaggerated and the harm done has been carefully hidden from public view. Life-changing information is deliberately hidden by the immoral greed-driven industry. BBC recently removed the website on CAM. When I complained to them, they wrote saying they are improving it and it will be up again shortly. By the same token the Modern Medicine website, which gives much more misleading and dangerous information is not removed, I countered.
Veggie vaccines, urine vaccines, homeopathic vaccines (nosodes) are never discussed even though they are cheaper, safer and without any side effects. Likewise, the role of good diet and nutrition, as also herbs, fruits and vegetables (God's pharmacy) is never discussed. Now you require a doctor's prescription even to buy vitamins and minerals, even though banned and bannable drugs are freely available off the shelf.
Wake up folks, wake up. In this information explosion age if you do not get proper information or if you do not use your common sense than you are an educated fool. If you wish to remain in fool's paradise that is your look out. But do not rape your children willy-nilly.
by Dr. Leo Rebello
There is no Vaccine against Ignorance.
Say NO to Vaccines.
Vaccination is worse than Rape. Atleast rape is rare and accidental.
Vaccination is deliberate madness.
Vaccination is not Immunisation.
Like formal education stunts the mental growth of a child;
Like religions stunt the spiritual growth of an individual;
Vaccinations and Drugs stunt the growth of the wondrous human body.
Stay Free from this Unholy Trinity.
1. What goes into making vaccines? What are the ingredients?
How are they made? How are they preserved?
-- Free-dried attenuated live bacteria of the disease.
-- Dextran glucose.
-- Triton WR 1339 (a detergent).
-- Sodium.
-- Human Foetal Tissue.
-- Various Antibiotics.
-- Preservatives and Sweeteners.
-- MSG, Thimerosal (preservative)
Polio Vaccine, for example, contains :
Three strains of Polio virus; formaldehyde; aluminium phosphate or aluminium hydroxide; neomycin, streptomycin and polymyxin B (antibiotics); 2-phenoxyethanol (a preservative); medium 199 which contains polysorbate 80 (an emulsifier); cultured on monkey kidney cells or calf foetus tissue. The inactivated (injectable) Polio vaccine is cultivated on Vero cells (African green monkey kidney cells).
2. What is the risk involved in vaccines? Why should I, as a parent, consider not giving them to my child?
Vaccines wiped out small-pox, polio, diphtheria, typhoid, influenza, we are told. In effect, however, the blood contamination from the vaccines not only causes the same disease in severe and even fatal forms, but the vaccine poisons cause other diseases, such as, blindness, brain damage, cancer, Autism, AIDS and deaths.
3. What are your thoughts on immunity and the immune system?
How to build good health and strong immune system?
Immunity is inbuilt -- it may be weak, medium or strong. If weak it can be pumped up. For healthy immunity your blood should be 70% alkaline and 30% acidic. But because of the wrong food that we eat day in and day out this ratio is in inverse proportion. Impure blood then destroys the immunity and internal organs creating dis-ease state.
Immunity is intestine and liver related. If your intestine and liver are healthy, your immunity will be strong. Probiotics like curds, buttermilk, sprouts, fresh fruits and vegetables and herbs (God's pharmacy) improve your intestinal health and liver function. Oranges and lemons, or Vitamin C, in particular, and Vitamins A, E, K and B Complex help in building up immunity, as also Alfalfa, spirulina supplements.
For good immunity you should avoid antibiotics, steroids, soft and hard drugs, narcotic and psychotropic substances. Proper sleep and rest and exercise are also important for healthy immune system.
Biochemic remedies like the five phos (Calc. Phos, Ferrum Phos, Kali Phos, Mag Phos, Nat Phos) - the essential salts, two tablets thrice a day in 6x potency are very good in febrile condition.
Dr. Diet, Dr. Water, Dr. Sunshine, Dr. Exercise, Dr. Sleep, Dr. Humour and Dr. Leo Rebello are the best seven doctors of the world.
4. What are your personal experiences in your family with vaccines?
I did not give vaccinations to both my sons. My both boys do not know what bitter medicine is. They have always been brought up on sweet pills of homeopathy or biochemic remedies. Likewise, I have also influenced so many of my friends, patients, students and readers not to vaccinate.
5. If the vaccines are so dangerous, then why there are no discussions happening in India?
Awareness is there among the villagers as also among the netizens. But the medicine
mafia frightens people and does NOT allow the right information to reach theme through mass media. They buy off the media persons through heavy advertising. Sometimes vaccines are given routinely even without asking the parents. The corrupt Health Officials buy, prescribe, distribute vaccines because of heavy commissions. They even use the Presidents and Governors and ignorant filmstars and sportsmen to promote these vaccines. So, if your icon takes narcotic substances, millions of his blind followers too think it is fashionable to do so. Same applies to vaccines and cough syrups and antibiotics and multivitamins and anti-tetanus and calcium and iron injections or glucose saline being given routinely to pregnant mothers like HIV test is being done routinely without even asking the patient.
6. How can we reverse vaccines?
There are antidotes in Homeopathy - like Thuja, Kali Mur and Kali Phos.
As also liver flush, colon cleanse, lemon cleanse, kunjar kriya and shankhaprakshalana in nature cure and yoga.
7. What are your experiences with vaccine campaigns in India?
It is picking up. More and more people are becoming alert and wiser. But when ignorant school authorities, like in Chandigarh (because an Administrator of the UT has passed a law to that effect) ask for Vaccination proof, like if you have to visit some African countries you have to compulsorily take Yellow Fever vaccine (or produce a certificate by bribing) even though urban yellow fever has not been reported since 1942, the madness goes on.
Allopathic Vaccination is a programme designed to reduce the unwanted population. In short, it is a population control programme indulged in by the spiritually unevolved so-called Illuminati, who have now been warned by Ninja group of Japan, that if they do not withdraw from this sinister design they will be eliminated. Rightly so, because a few decadent families and their servants cannot ruin the billions of people of the world and turn Green Planet Earth into a Brown Planet of Death.
AIDS -- Cyclosporin, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum, Thuja or
potentised blood of a confirmed AIDS patient.
Cancer -- Carcinocin.
Chicken Pox -- Malandrinum or Variolinum.
Diptheria -- Diphtherinum or Mercurius Cyanatus.
Infective Hepatitis -- Nux Vomica.
Influenza -- Arsenic Album or Influenzinum.
Measles (Rubella) -- Morbillinum or Pulsatilla.
Mumps -- Pilocarpus.
Polio -- Lathyrus or Polio Nosode.
Small Pox -- Variolinum.
Tetanus -- Hypericum.
Tuberculosis -- Bacillinum or Tuberculinum.
Typhoid -- Arsenic Album or Baptisia.
Whooping Cough (Pertussis) -- Drosera or Pertusin.
For after effects of Allopathic Vaccination or Vaccinosis give Thuja or Kali Mur.
These remedies are cheaper, without side effects and very effective.
For the CHILDREN of this planet
For the HERE and NOW
Keep it SIMPLE (;
In love
Dariya Avantario
CHILDREN HERE and NOWHolistic (Research) Center for Children268, Soccol VaddoAssagao Bardez - Goa 403507INDIAPhone: 0091 - (0) 832 - 2268158Handy: 0091 - (0)
A film on vaccines
will be released soon
for further information Vaccines Causing More Disease Than They are Curing?
By Alan Cantwell, M.D.
Cancer Causing Vaccines, Polio, AIDS & Monkey Business
By Alan Cantwell, M.D.
Isaac Golden
Any comments will be gratefully received by the author if sent to P.O. Box 155, Daylesford, Australia. 3460. Telephone (03) 5348 3667.
The author’s following publications are available from the above address. For postage within Australia allow $4.00 for one book or $6.00 for 2 or 3 books.
Vaccination? A Review of Risks and Alternatives - revised 5th edition, 1997. $A25.00.
Homoeoprophylaxis - A Practical and Philosophical Review - 2nd edition, 1997. $A10.00.
Homoeoprophylaxis - A Ten Year Clinical Study. 1997. $A15.00.