♥♥♥♥♥♥Made with LOVE and INTENTION ♥♥♥♥♥♥

LIVE the CHANGE you want to see in the WORLD -your Children will follow NATURALLY!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

KID's ε(•̃͡-̮•̃͡)з FLEAMARKET

YES ♫ ♥´♫´♥`•. ♫¸♥¸♫´♥`•.¸♥
"KID's ε(•̃͡-̮•̃͡)з FLEAMARKET"
will open its doors again on
SUNday the 6th of march 2011

Come, let's gather and ENJOY the day on a FULL on MARKETplace.♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸♥•

Our Children organise the Event to show and sell their "handmade" CREATIONS!
Our Children Here and Now SHOP is open to support our NATURAL LEARNING COMMUNITY for our future ACTivities;)

EveryONE welcome to JOIN!
COME to sell your HANDMADE Creations and Jumbel-Sale your 2nd Toys /Clothes… no Food stalls please!
Children who like to make a STALL come a bit earlier to Set it up!
No booking required!

ENJOY the day with CHILDREN made Cake – Chai – Lemonade- Cookies ……and take on donation PLANTS & TREES from our NURSERY…

Our this years MUSICAL SHOW will start
at 5 pm!
Come and see a WORLD in TRANFORMATION with
ƸӜƷ 'Robbie the Butterfly' ƸӜƷ
created by the CHILDREN of HERE and NOW!

INVITE your friends YOUNG and old to join us.......
Lets MEET and support our Children in Action....
We do need buyers too;))

Love n LIGHT to all
see you s♥♥n
