♥♥♥♥♥♥Made with LOVE and INTENTION ♥♥♥♥♥♥

LIVE the CHANGE you want to see in the WORLD -your Children will follow NATURALLY!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

S.T.A.R. LIGHT Prayer ☆☆☆

Welcome to a S.T.A.R Light SHAREing from a little GROWing STARSEED! .♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸♥•.

Kiyara is NOW almost J  5 years old and GROWs into LIFE PLAYing and Being FREE!

She LOVEs the Prayers and Ceremonies WE are doing in our FAMILY and the Morning CIRCLES we create with the CHILDREN HERE and NOW!

Kiyara made this Prayer on the MAYAN “Galactic Calendar” count 
3 | Electric SEED | Ox K'AT (KAN) | Color: Yellow

A day to ACTivate our S.T.A.R. Seed POWER and RISE with Wings of HEALING into the LIGHT! .♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸♥•.
I AM happy to share this MAGIC MOMENT I experienced with her  ♥

Dariya Avantario
-Kiyara’s Mama-

Connect with us and our CHILDREN HERE and NOW Community  .♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸♥•.

We are an INVITATION and WAY that your CHILDREN too can BEcome 
☆☆☆ little emPOWERing S.T.A.R.s with FREEdom to enLIGHTen our UNIVERSE ☆☆☆

For more In-FORMation check our website and BLOG:
Come and join us in Facebook:

Saturday, August 6, 2011

EnJOY S.T.A.R. Powered WORDS with Jace & Grace

        ☆☆☆    ☆☆☆    ☆☆☆

The S.T.A.R. Powered Twins Jace and Grace have entered the WORLD of Children Here and Now ♥ Dorothey Lecured AWAKEning CHILDREN Book tells us about the POWER of POSITIVE WORDS and HOW they CREATE our REALity by SHAREing the STORY of the LIFE of Jace and Grace

CREATE and PLAY with Jace and Grace 
.............the S☆T☆A☆R POWERed TWINS!

This is ONE of the ACTivity we did together last week!
.•.¸¸.••.¸¸•.¸¸.••.¸¸.••.¸¸. •.¸¸.••.¸¸

Find your 5 ☆ WORDS of the day:


Create a “I AM”Poem integrating ALL 5 ☆ WORDS……


created by Kalen Avantario 27th July 2011

.•.¸¸.••.¸¸•.¸¸.••.¸¸.••.¸¸. •.¸¸.••.¸¸


I ask FORGIVEness
I AM full of JOY

Created by Tanay 13 years on 27th August 2011

.•.¸¸.••.¸¸•.¸¸.••.¸¸.••.¸¸. •.¸¸.••.¸¸ 

Here you find more Information about "The S.T.A.R. POWERED TWINS"


Grace and Jace are two very special children on a very important mission. Follow along with them on their colorful adventures as they discover the secret of using THE LAW of ATTRACTION to make their dreams come true!

The WORDS you send out are the FEELINGS and DREAMS that come back to you. ELIMINATE the words: NO, DON'T, CAN'T from your child's vocabulary. Empower your child to use the words, I AM to develop positive FEELINGS, THOUGHTS, and ACTIONS OF GRATITUDE.
       ☆☆☆    ☆☆☆    ☆☆☆
Many Thanks to the Author, Dorothy Lecours :)
We so much enJOY exploring the World of Words with your VIBRANT Sounds & Letters! 
It make such a difference to LEARN the Alphabet connected with POSITIVE S.T.A.R. Words! 
The Children are SHAREing them with everyONE and create a POWERful and SHINING Universe!
A Message from the Author........
It is my sincere desire that this book will develop your child's self-esteem by using mega doses of STAR POWERED WORDS daily. Allow your child to explore and appreciate his/her unique talents and abilities. Your child will view him/herself as lovable and one of a kind. Ultimately, you will witness a confident, capable, and life long learner. Enjoy recognizing and celebrating your child's uniqueness!

 To be a STAR you must SHINE your own LIGHT, follow your own PATH and not be AFRAID of the DARKNESS, for that is when STARS shine BRIGHTEST.

☆About US☆ Interview with Dariya Avantario

We are a HOLISTIC Learning Community and CO-create HOMEschooling following a NATURAL and FREE LEARNing approach in India!

Come to WATCH more about US .♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸♥•.
FEEL invited to get in-FORMed about our NATURAL LEARNing ACTivities!
How does it work to Co-CREATE a Learning Environment with your Community OUT of the mainstream School System!?
This is a REFLECTion 'about us' and the TIME we enJOY together with our CHILDREN "Learning" in LIFE ε(•̃͡-̮•̃͡)з
An INVITATION and WAY that your CHILDREN too can BEcome ☆☆☆ little emPOWERing S.T.A.R.s with FREEdom to enLIGHTen our UNIVERSE ☆☆☆
For more In-FORMation check our website and BLOG:
Come and join us in Facebook:
or WATCH more about us on

Dariya Avantario
and the CHILDREN HERE and NOW Community

Friday, July 1, 2011

In-FORMation about our Governments

My to-days favorite quote:

Exploring the different forms of government in ancient Greece with the Kids today, I asked before starting, if they know ANY forms of government:
???? they deeply thought ?????
and answered:        Yes,
" I have nothing to Hide !"

ART Acadamy with Devi Prasad Rao

to explore the 

CREATIVE side of their 


Devi Prasad Rao is an Abstract Acting Painter who lives in Goa. During the session with him the child flows through a journey of creating Art Works that is considered as intuitive and which is NATURALly part of children’s BEing.

At the same time they learn to use various mediums, various techniques and experience different forms of Art facilities such as Drawing, Painting, Sculpturing, Photography, Jewelry, Fashion Art and Installation Art!



| We gather once a week for the duration of 1 and half hour NOW every FRIDAY at 3:30 pm! |

Classes are divided of various grades each grades consist of 10 class sessions!

Devi Prasad is exploring ART and all facets it contains with CHILDREN HERE and NOW since 2005!

Our experiences with him, reflected by our children and the way the express their innate ART has truly enriched our LIFES! 


Art Exhibition in April 2006 at the Portuguese Consulate in Panajim,Goa! 

The Exhibition was created out of 20 Paintings from CHILDREN age 5 - 12 years old!

on the right:
The Children of Devi Prasad Art Classes in 2005 -2006 in the Consulate with the Consul!

up: INVITE Poster

Tara Jahns 6 years                          Rosalie 6 years

Kalen Avantario 5 years                             

This are the 'Art' Creations from our Kids :) exhibited that week......

♥Thank you Dev for sharing this Moments of CREATION with the CHILDREN HERE and NOW! ♥

Thursday, June 30, 2011

SNAKE Day: Workshop "LEARN about SNAKES" with Rahul Alvares!

Our DAY "LEARN all about SNAKES" with Rahul Alvares was a great success ;) 

We learned lots of TRUTHs of a Snake Life - WHO they are and HOW "they" feel meeting US!
We are able to identify the venomous and NON-venomous Snakes (even though we still need to check in Books to make it sure :) , HOW to ACT when one really bites us and even have experience in holding a BOA......
Its a good START and we are ready to deepen our stay connected for more events with Rahul Alvares in Children Here and Now!

  .•.¸¸.••.¸¸•.¸ SURPRISE SURPRISE
 .......our unexpected guest on the morning of the SNAKE day!
((((((: the Goa TARANTULA :))))))

The photo Close Up in made by Rahul, who took the Spider home for more and better Observation!

on Sunday the 26th June 2011

Dear friends,

Snakes play an important part in our Nature!
We invite you to take part in this Workshop given by Rahul Alvares on the land of Children Here and Now.
We FEEL its important for our Children here in Goa, to learn about the different types of Snakes in our environment, overcome the FEARs which are often related in meeting the beautiful animal and understand HOW to act on encounters with them!

Rahul will explain and SHARE with us a wide range on information about this mysterious Animal!

This event is open to adults too....

The costs are shared between the participats :)

Kindly confirm your participation with me
Any question call Dariya 9326127307
Looking forward to see you

His program is divided into three parts.

First, a slide show; here I show pictures of venomous and non-venomous snakes found in Goa and other parts of India. I also discuss common myths, how to identify venomous snakes etc.

The second part of the program is a short question and answer session on; first aid, what to do if you see a snake or if one enters your house, etc.

The concluding part is a live snake handling session; For this session I bring two to three live harmless snakes that the audience is allowed to handle. This handling session works like a charm at eradication the irrational fear we have for snakes.

The program is 1- 1 1/2 hrs. I happily extend the timing, if the audience is very interested or if people ask a lot of questions!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Children Here and Now meets CHIKOO House

  • Here comes a short report from Chikoo House Since late October to end of March Chikoo House has hosted Children Here and Now every Monday. Chikoo House is a not for profit community house with friends and friends of friends living together, and other friends and friends of friends coming to visit, do work shops, yoga, painting and much more. The house has no dogma except peace, love, happiness and non-violence. The philosophy and culture of Chikoo House has been the basis of the education offered to the children from Children Here and Now. The background for the Chikoo House hosting Children Here and Now is that the son of the owner of the house, Ravi Rinke-Øysteinson, is one of the kids at Children Here and Now. Ravis father, Øystein, and his mother, Heliane, have shared the responsibility for the Mondays at Chikoo House. The read thread throughout the season has been the "Kids Cafe" where the children have helped decide the menu, make the food, take orders and serve the clients, which mainly has consisted of the parents when picking up the kids from school. Additional other friends of the Children Here and Now + Chikoo House have also attended the cafe on a regular basis. The "Kids Cafe" is a symbol of the philosophy of education in Chikoo House. It is fun and it is integrating a lot of different challenges and subjects in to one practical task; as for example, entrepreneurship (how to run a business), mathematics (prices, costs, profit, receiving payments, giving back change), developing a natural relationship with money (tool for exchange of energy), team work and responsibility (who is the cashier, who writes the menu on the board, who takes which orders, what happens if a client´s order is ready for delivery at the same time as the child responsible for this order is busy taking another order etc.) Chikoo House has put an emphasis on all the kids taking part in the formal education offered, and accordingly the kids have been offered a lot of time for free play. We are aware that this may be a somewhat different policy than at «the land». However, we believe it is healthy for the kids to get exposed to different systems, as this is the same in the society at large. Our aim for valuing that all children take part in the sessions is to develop the ability of working and sharing together, with individual adjustments for each child, if necessary. We have usually had one session of reading and writing every Monday, usually integrated in some kind of a «near life» project as for example writing down all the the names of the trees in the garden and so forth. We have drawn on the resources available in our community at Chikoo House, and most importantly we have drawn on "Gurukula One-World Academy" which is the name attached to the educational work of residential baba in Chikoo House, Vinaya Chaitanya, and his friend Jah Muna Jungle-Baba. Vinaya and Jungle-Baba have been doing Tai Chi, meditation, clay-work, visiting temples and much more with the kids.
Would BE great to be able to add some photos to this Doc, but it does not DIVE through our Photoalbum and enJOY the BABAS of the ONE World Academy in Mission

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

KIDS MUSICAL "Robbie the Butterfly"

Come and Enjoy the
MUSICAL SHOW by the KIDS of Children Here and Now
on SUNDAY the 6th of march 2011
            5 a.m.

Based on the beautiful story of" Robbie the Butterfly " we will tell and sing you a story about LOVE, TRUST and FORGIVENESS

Robbie is a young caterpillar growing up in a world where SPIRIT and the ART of Transformation had been forgotten! Feeling different all his childhood and teenage life he though knew deep within that there is something WORTH it to remember! Meeting a beautiful Butterfly Girl in his dream, he receives a Vision!
Enlightened by the feeling of LOVE he started his path as a seeker of Truth….

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

KID's ε(•̃͡-̮•̃͡)з FLEAMARKET

YES ♫ ♥´♫´♥`•. ♫¸♥¸♫´♥`•.¸♥
"KID's ε(•̃͡-̮•̃͡)з FLEAMARKET"
will open its doors again on
SUNday the 6th of march 2011

Come, let's gather and ENJOY the day on a FULL on MARKETplace.♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸♥•

Our Children organise the Event to show and sell their "handmade" CREATIONS!
Our Children Here and Now SHOP is open to support our NATURAL LEARNING COMMUNITY for our future ACTivities;)

EveryONE welcome to JOIN!
COME to sell your HANDMADE Creations and Jumbel-Sale your 2nd Toys /Clothes… no Food stalls please!
Children who like to make a STALL come a bit earlier to Set it up!
No booking required!

ENJOY the day with CHILDREN made Cake – Chai – Lemonade- Cookies ……and take on donation PLANTS & TREES from our NURSERY…

Our this years MUSICAL SHOW will start
at 5 pm!
Come and see a WORLD in TRANFORMATION with
ƸӜƷ 'Robbie the Butterfly' ƸӜƷ
created by the CHILDREN of HERE and NOW!

INVITE your friends YOUNG and old to join us.......
Lets MEET and support our Children in Action....
We do need buyers too;))

Love n LIGHT to all
see you s♥♥n


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello “In Lakesh Children Here and Now Community”,

welcome in 2011, Happy New Year!

We entered the NEW year with the Galactic (si)STAR!

Lets Harmonize earthly ENERGIES with Elegance and BEAUTY:)


After our take-off in beginning of November we gathered now 17 children with their parents in co-creating our Holistic Learning Community in Goa. We invite you to visit our group regulary to join us on our adventures from where ever you are.

We ll keep you informed about our ACTivities, we ll share our experiences with you and we are open for your REFLECTions!

Enjoying a BEAUTYful and POWERful HERE and NOW to-gather on the land.

We have a ratio of 4 girls and 13 boys, between the ages of 3 up to almost 13. They are full on and lots is happening. From Art Academy to Karate, from ColorMorningCircle via Mayan calender to Singing, from KidsCafe to ABC the children and parents are truly creative. Thank you ALL!

Our visions for creations are “Robby the Butterfly”-theaterplay, a music-CD with songs of our children, house-building, flea-market, color and energy reading workshop and a big Gathering of All who are and ever had been part of Children Here and Now at the beginning of March.

We are happy to stay connected with you!


For the CHILDREN of this planet

For the HERE and NOW

Keep it SIMPLE (;


In Lak'esh
