Hello to ALL,
Its going into the December month….. and there is much adventure waiting for us!
Nadine and Lisa which are staying for 3 month with us have arrived……..
In the Mayan Calendar we just ...connected in the COSMIC loyal HEART and we bridge the CENTER of the Tzolkien to MAGNETICALLY recieve yesterday HOW to magically PLAY out our ILLUSION in ...next 13 and 130 DAYS...what is REAL!? HUN CHUEN - Enjoy your TIME its ART!
A few things to share:
1.) We gonna make a Christmas Party…. This year I like to keep this Gathering only for Children and Parents taking part in “We learn Together” !
It will be at the same time a DAY where we ALL meet and I like to make this ALL of us MEETING once a month….
Santa Claus will be coming also…. AnyONE of you feel called here!?
Since we do need some things for the children here on the land, I thought to combine the practical with the FUN!
Would like that every child has it own “Lungi” on the land for multiple reason:
- something to dry of the body after showers and pool time
- something for laying on when we make Meditation Journey, Relaxing and Massage – which we will start
- for the BEACH and EXCURSION outings which hopefully will happen also ;)
since we are exploring the MAYAN CALENDAR –which they all get into very well –
We need a Present for Santa Claus to give….
I wanted to order for each Child his personal MOON FLOWER LUNGI !
The Lungis will be sent from Bali, so I do need your agreement on that Idea, since I gotta place the order… we get a special price of each Lungi which is 470 INR + Sending Costs which we have to share…
PLEASE let me know if that’s OK with you… the Mayan Signs of the Kids I have… if you like one….we gotta add you on that list too, the Bali Lungis are very nice!
a) Since the kids are many times eating up ;) my personal FRUIT supply….I want to start a SNACK FRUIT BASKET!
Please give your child every Day a FRUIT of the DAY which we collect in the Morning…on the Snack time we can cut this Fruit together and start to explore them in various way… THANKS
B) healthy SNACK.. I am sure all of you agree on healthy snack… please avoid white flour, sugar, biscuits (special the Indian one you better keep in the shop shelf’s!) Bonbons, etc…. we gonna make with them Bread and also Schokobread once in a while….
We can offer Lemonade and Water for Drinking and they can also make their own Magic Potions of Herbs collected in the Garden…..
will be happening the 27th of December 2009
We are getting ready on many levels…..
The event is open to ALL the Community! Spread the word!
Our Children organize the Event to show and sell their "handmade" CREATIONS...our Children Here and Now Shop will support the project for future Activities ;)Everyone welcome to join, sell his/her HANDMADE Creations and Jumbel-Sale their 2nd Toys /Clothes…Children who like to make a Stall come a bit earlier to Set it up!
HERE the TIMING is not yet clear to me…. helpENJOY the day with CHILDREN made Cake –Chai –Lemonade- Cookies ……and take on donation PLANTS & TREES from our NURSERY…We will have a SHOW at 5 pm!
The show will be created in this month….
- Navina trained some homemade songs….
- The kids enjoyed soooo much to sing the SONG “Puff the Magic Dragon” and with this we can create a little Musical…..
- Wanted to invite some Indian Children to make a Dance ….Guru Male
Otherwise I made the Connection with
- Neptune to come on his 1 wheel Bicycle….. Nepute is homeschooled and a very interessting young spirit
- Andreas to come with a Alien Costume walking on stick to entertain…
Both might be busy with Jobs, yet if they have time they will come…Welcome to offer AKTIVITIES for CHILDREN and Parents…INVITE your friends, lets MEET and support our Children in Action....We do need buyers too;))
Navina is connecting with some Organic Farmers to come and present their “GROWTH” …. It’s GREAT to get connected to GOOD sources of Organic Food!
Lets collect this week a list of things each of you can imagine to add into this event….ideas , suggestions, etc…
There is always much to do… so I will keep that space always OPEN for the Children to digg, water an plant… the idea is to have a little Nursery ready for the Market where we can sell our plants to others….
To make it SIMPLE ;) our cash-box is EMPTY :(
Please bring along the fees ……
GREAT Thanks
I deeply ENJOY the time with your Children….
Our Blog: http://www.childrenhereandnow.blogspot.com/
Our website is also slowly getting there: http://www.healinghereandnow.com/ Check it out!
♥♥♥♥♥♥Made with LOVE and INTENTION ♥♥♥♥♥♥
LIVE the CHANGE you want to see in the WORLD -your Children will follow NATURALLY!
♥♥♥♥♥♥Made with LOVE and INTENTION ♥♥♥♥♥♥
LIVE the CHANGE you want to see in the WORLD -your Children will follow NATURALLY!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Lisa und Nadine in Goa ;)
...we WELCOME you in CHILDREN HERE and NOW !
It GREAT that you had the courage to make the step to ask me for SPACE to make an practical training in CHILDREN HERE and NOW!
When I recieved the application of you both I had not a second thought about..... YES we do have SPACE for you;)
Now after the first week of being with you in CHILDREN HERE and NOW, watching the Children and how much they enjoy the NEW Comers, I got again the proof how GOOD it feels to TRUST your FEELINGS!
We ALL looking forward to ENJOY the TIME we can PLAY with you both....
For all to like to know more about WHAT Lisa and Nadine are experiencing and WHY they joined in CHILDREN HERE and NOW check out: http://lisaundnadineingoa.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
In this photo:
Anna Jahns (KINDRED now: Soulhealing India) , Dr. Vijaya Venkat (Trad. HEALTH Awareness Center, Mumbai) , Dariya Avantario (Children HERE and NOW)
Anna Jahns (KINDRED now: Soulhealing India) , Dr. Vijaya Venkat (Trad. HEALTH Awareness Center, Mumbai) , Dariya Avantario (Children HERE and NOW)
In march 2009 I was invited to present the VISION of CHILDREN HERE and NOW on the 1st WORLD WOMEN WELLNESS CONGRESS 2008 in Chennai INDIA!
The essence of this Congress, where many interesting international HEALTH and WELLBEING supporters shared their experiences and visions, is as follows:
“Let us look at ourselves as a link in the circle of life. Somewhere in the cycle, there needs to be an injection of health vitality. It is time to make the changes now, to help people on this earth to be healthy.Healthy people create a healthy world, a healthy world facilitates healthy lives, and healthy lives induce harmony to all.To have a fulfilling life is a universal human desire, such a life is defined by many attributes and we call it a life of wellness. Wellness is a healthy balance of body, mind and spirit. That results in an overall feeling of well being.
As a part of our constructive action-plan to take wellness to the global platform and to help women realize the importance of wellness, we present the Women's Wellness Conference that includes Wellness Workshops and Exhibitions. It is our goal to bring wellness to all women and their families which in turn influences our global society .This event is hosted and organized by the World Wellness University” http://www.wwwcon.org/object.asp
CHILDREN HERE and NOW was the ONLY Workshop which shared a VISION about our CHILDREN - the CHILDREN of the 21st century!
At a follow up to the congress the participants were invited to write an essay about “ Why to visualize a WELLNESS WORLD”……
By Dariya K. Avantario
Every cell in our body is giving us on a daily based experience a clear honest reflection that it is our birthright to live in a world of wellness in Oneness.
Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, a cellular biologist, has focused on the mind body connection and the effects of our beliefs on our very cells and beyond. Belief you may ask? Indeed! This intriguing application of mind influence has implication for healing and positive change at a cellular and universal level.
The emerging new Science of epigenetic is of great interest. It adds a new dimension to genetics, acknowledging the effect of mind on the body.
They assert that on a society-wide scale cultural beliefs can mould our biology.
Throughout the history of civilizations there have always been some perennial questions that humans have asked. They are along the lines of “How did we get here?” Why are we here?’’ How do we make the best of it? What is our purpose?’’
Bruce Lipton contends that the answers to the perennial questions end up programming our biology.
Humans as individual beings adapt to communities. In fact as an individual you are a group of cellular communities. Your body cells trillions of them form communities organized according to their specialties. If you could expand your awareness way out in the universe you would probably see the same forms of organization on a huge level. Focusing in to a micro level it looks the same.
Lipton sees much evidence for an intelligent awareness in communities of cells that responds to the necessity for change.
He sees the conscious and subconscious beliefs with which we are programmed in our early years as affecting our Biology. If we believe that illness or physical limitations are determined solely by our genes, they will organize themselves this way.
To come back to the ever-present glue of universal love -if we are all connected, why beat ourselves up with wars and the willful destruction of our planet?
For me a wellness world start with the children !
We learn from them how much fun it is to PLAY
The only thing they want to do ALL day long is to PLAY…
Play can be anything. PLAY is the relationship we have to an activity….any activity can be PLAY depending on our relationship.
Children naturally play with something they truly ENJOY! Through that enjoyment, the fun and the pleasure it carries along, their entire being is in the MOMENT….. Meditatively in the HERE and NOW! In this natural state of being ness, REAL Learning happens!
The more we re-learn and re-program this ability into ourselves the more we reflect that very potential and state of BEING to them!
According to research an individual does not generally sustain active consciousness until after five years of age. Before birth and through the first five years of life, the infant is primarily in a hypnotic state. In order to hypnotize an individual it is necessary to lower their brain function to these levels of activity the child is essentially in through the first five years of its life. During this time it is down-loading biology-controlling perceptions.
The potential of a child is "programmed" into its subconscious mind during this phase of development.
Parental "programming" of a child's subconscious behavior enables that child to conform to the "collective" voice, or beliefs, of the community. In order to know more about ourselves, we learn to see ourselves as others see us.
If a parent provides a child with a positive or negative self image, that perception is recorded in the child's subconscious.
The image acquired of self becomes the subconscious "collective" voice which shapes our physiology (e.g., health characteristics, weight) and behavior. For example, if a child is given a perception of itself that it can succeed, it will continuously strive to do just that.
In Bruce H. Lipton’s Book The Biology of Belief Conscious Parenting
“Nature, Nurture and the power of Love” he clearly states and proofs through Cellular Biology that the Parents, Family and Community do matter and that they are 100% RESPONSIBLE for the programming/conditioning of our children.
Isn’t that GREAT!
We have the 100% Potential to create our life right here in our hands.
It’s not the time to blame and shame on parents and community the present state of reality, since we have not been given the proper skills to Conscious Parenting.
Parenting is a way of Life! And here has been much misinformation
It’s NOW the time to bring ourselves back IN FORM!
IN a FORMATION as a group of cellular COMMUNITIES which responds to ONE and each other.
The children of Mother Earth (young and old) have the inherit desire to playfully express their potentials. We are here to play, to have fun and to co-create and ultimately LIVE in a reality where we experience Wellness!
We are now being told more and more that we can do something and YES we can! It is a matter of reprogramming our beliefs eliminating those that are limiting an inserting more adaptive beliefs. We can make a positive change by desire, intention and belief.
Groundbreaking information about conscious parenting is now available to us. More and more people are becoming aware of moderation in use of scarce resources, kindness to fellow creatures and an ability to change things from a grass-root level. Human rights are openly discussed on the World Wide Web now by ordinary citizens rather just by press or politicians. The expansion of Human Consciousness into accessible chunks of extremely relevant information is astounding and growing moment by moment.
We can re-grow the garden in a more positive way for our future. Positive is the keyword. For beliefs and attitudes it is the critical factor. They discuss the golden rule “Do unto others as you would have done to you”!
We are about to enter a time of holistic thinking where we are not victims but co-creators in our selves and our communities- both inner and outer.
Let’s link towards our children because they are naturally all one–ness!
Love is the LIGHT which shows us the way!
Where LOVE is there is WELLNESS - they are ONE and so are WE!
The question why to visualize a WELLNESS WORLD….
Because we are and have been since forever ready for it!
You simply have to BELIEF it!
For the CHILDREN of this planet
For the HERE and NOW
Keep it SIMPLE (;
In love
Dariya Avantario
The essence of this Congress, where many interesting international HEALTH and WELLBEING supporters shared their experiences and visions, is as follows:
“Let us look at ourselves as a link in the circle of life. Somewhere in the cycle, there needs to be an injection of health vitality. It is time to make the changes now, to help people on this earth to be healthy.Healthy people create a healthy world, a healthy world facilitates healthy lives, and healthy lives induce harmony to all.To have a fulfilling life is a universal human desire, such a life is defined by many attributes and we call it a life of wellness. Wellness is a healthy balance of body, mind and spirit. That results in an overall feeling of well being.
As a part of our constructive action-plan to take wellness to the global platform and to help women realize the importance of wellness, we present the Women's Wellness Conference that includes Wellness Workshops and Exhibitions. It is our goal to bring wellness to all women and their families which in turn influences our global society .This event is hosted and organized by the World Wellness University” http://www.wwwcon.org/object.asp
CHILDREN HERE and NOW was the ONLY Workshop which shared a VISION about our CHILDREN - the CHILDREN of the 21st century!
At a follow up to the congress the participants were invited to write an essay about “ Why to visualize a WELLNESS WORLD”……
By Dariya K. Avantario
Every cell in our body is giving us on a daily based experience a clear honest reflection that it is our birthright to live in a world of wellness in Oneness.
Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, a cellular biologist, has focused on the mind body connection and the effects of our beliefs on our very cells and beyond. Belief you may ask? Indeed! This intriguing application of mind influence has implication for healing and positive change at a cellular and universal level.
The emerging new Science of epigenetic is of great interest. It adds a new dimension to genetics, acknowledging the effect of mind on the body.
They assert that on a society-wide scale cultural beliefs can mould our biology.
Throughout the history of civilizations there have always been some perennial questions that humans have asked. They are along the lines of “How did we get here?” Why are we here?’’ How do we make the best of it? What is our purpose?’’
Bruce Lipton contends that the answers to the perennial questions end up programming our biology.
Humans as individual beings adapt to communities. In fact as an individual you are a group of cellular communities. Your body cells trillions of them form communities organized according to their specialties. If you could expand your awareness way out in the universe you would probably see the same forms of organization on a huge level. Focusing in to a micro level it looks the same.
Lipton sees much evidence for an intelligent awareness in communities of cells that responds to the necessity for change.
He sees the conscious and subconscious beliefs with which we are programmed in our early years as affecting our Biology. If we believe that illness or physical limitations are determined solely by our genes, they will organize themselves this way.
To come back to the ever-present glue of universal love -if we are all connected, why beat ourselves up with wars and the willful destruction of our planet?
For me a wellness world start with the children !
We learn from them how much fun it is to PLAY
The only thing they want to do ALL day long is to PLAY…
Play can be anything. PLAY is the relationship we have to an activity….any activity can be PLAY depending on our relationship.
Children naturally play with something they truly ENJOY! Through that enjoyment, the fun and the pleasure it carries along, their entire being is in the MOMENT….. Meditatively in the HERE and NOW! In this natural state of being ness, REAL Learning happens!
The more we re-learn and re-program this ability into ourselves the more we reflect that very potential and state of BEING to them!
According to research an individual does not generally sustain active consciousness until after five years of age. Before birth and through the first five years of life, the infant is primarily in a hypnotic state. In order to hypnotize an individual it is necessary to lower their brain function to these levels of activity the child is essentially in through the first five years of its life. During this time it is down-loading biology-controlling perceptions.
The potential of a child is "programmed" into its subconscious mind during this phase of development.
Parental "programming" of a child's subconscious behavior enables that child to conform to the "collective" voice, or beliefs, of the community. In order to know more about ourselves, we learn to see ourselves as others see us.
If a parent provides a child with a positive or negative self image, that perception is recorded in the child's subconscious.
The image acquired of self becomes the subconscious "collective" voice which shapes our physiology (e.g., health characteristics, weight) and behavior. For example, if a child is given a perception of itself that it can succeed, it will continuously strive to do just that.
In Bruce H. Lipton’s Book The Biology of Belief Conscious Parenting
“Nature, Nurture and the power of Love” he clearly states and proofs through Cellular Biology that the Parents, Family and Community do matter and that they are 100% RESPONSIBLE for the programming/conditioning of our children.
Isn’t that GREAT!
We have the 100% Potential to create our life right here in our hands.
It’s not the time to blame and shame on parents and community the present state of reality, since we have not been given the proper skills to Conscious Parenting.
Parenting is a way of Life! And here has been much misinformation
It’s NOW the time to bring ourselves back IN FORM!
IN a FORMATION as a group of cellular COMMUNITIES which responds to ONE and each other.
The children of Mother Earth (young and old) have the inherit desire to playfully express their potentials. We are here to play, to have fun and to co-create and ultimately LIVE in a reality where we experience Wellness!
We are now being told more and more that we can do something and YES we can! It is a matter of reprogramming our beliefs eliminating those that are limiting an inserting more adaptive beliefs. We can make a positive change by desire, intention and belief.
Groundbreaking information about conscious parenting is now available to us. More and more people are becoming aware of moderation in use of scarce resources, kindness to fellow creatures and an ability to change things from a grass-root level. Human rights are openly discussed on the World Wide Web now by ordinary citizens rather just by press or politicians. The expansion of Human Consciousness into accessible chunks of extremely relevant information is astounding and growing moment by moment.
We can re-grow the garden in a more positive way for our future. Positive is the keyword. For beliefs and attitudes it is the critical factor. They discuss the golden rule “Do unto others as you would have done to you”!
We are about to enter a time of holistic thinking where we are not victims but co-creators in our selves and our communities- both inner and outer.
Let’s link towards our children because they are naturally all one–ness!
Love is the LIGHT which shows us the way!
Where LOVE is there is WELLNESS - they are ONE and so are WE!
The question why to visualize a WELLNESS WORLD….
Because we are and have been since forever ready for it!
You simply have to BELIEF it!
For the CHILDREN of this planet
For the HERE and NOW
Keep it SIMPLE (;
In love
Dariya Avantario
Sunday, November 1, 2009
October 2009
This is a short documentation of “what” is happening in CHILDREN Here and Now! I would like that ALL parents taking part of the project write down “simply and short” what they experience during the time with the children!
Whatever you feel is remarkable –physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually– write it down!
This material will serve to reflect for us, at least a part of, the experience our Children have when they are coming together!
For the CHILDREN of this planet
For the HERE and NOW
Keep it SIMPLE (;
(S) = Small STARS age 3-4
(M) = Middle Stars age 5-6
(B) = BIG Stars age 8
7 Resonant Warrior UC CIB
Friday 2nd October 2009
FLYING Classroom at Tara & Ramans House with ALL
Pouring rain! Duke as guest
Total resistance to work!
Make Diwali Candles + lamps with
Coloured Paper – each helping the other then started to role play and together came up with the idea to create a production – volunteering for characters scrabbling for costumes –
The Idea forms to present little red riding hood! Making set + scenery
First time run through to clarify the sequence reminding each other of the script!
A lot of fun+ laughter!
Then much preparation refining costume + scenery + backdrop
Introduction very formal – the “real” show becomes very serious, less fun – but by the end they can’t help but come out
Many responses from watching the video then inspired to do it all over again and played preparing to do it all over and had much more fun
So no final production ever happened
Only the joy of bringing it together!
10 Planetary Eagle Lahun Men -
Mon 5th October 2009
FLYING Classroom at Tara & Ramans House with ALL
Circle discussing weekend activities Request for “ what’s the time Mr. Wolf” – 10 mins started with letter “d’’ – Zorah drumming drawing Zorah d drum then player drum then stick
Sounding out all the “d” words + spelling Tara & Kalen
Then Raman Zorah + Kiyara drawing letters on white board
Introducing letter 6 how much is 6? Counting spiral snails
Tara and Kalen – duck – quack – qu – kw sound sounding all the words + writing
Then “ue” – u-e- ew making “you” sound cue cub cube few “oo” moon
Then we read for a while – magic hats taking turns each page Tara + Kalen helping each other
Zorah, Raman, Kiyara playing with Clipp pieces
Tara + Kalen looking into different ways of saying “er” – “ir”- “ur”
Supper – bird- turn
Discussing next theatre production – Zorah”
Playing games – beading – Petshop movie
11 Spectral Warrior Hun Lahun CIB
Tues 6th October 2009
We started with the creation of GODEYES. It took us about ½ hour to figure out how to do it – wrapping the wool around the sticks and throughout the process we created quite a few interesting things like Aero planes/petshop cushions and GODEYES
‘M’ dot to dot until 30 and coloring. We counted together until 30 over again.
All Kalen played the ‘teacher’ and explored with them the matter of making, ice cups. Hot and cold repetition
‘M’ shapes and No on the blackboard
Story time – ‘B’ reading the, Eye Book do the little ones.
Lunch time – making Chapattis with the Kids.
We opened up the Pool. It was so hot. The children helped in cleaning and filling up and made whirlpools.
They were all very independent on getting undressed and drying themselves and hanging the towels for drying.
Free Play after lunch
‘B’ – Tara Maths time table.
- Kalen repeating the Time on the watch.
Friday 9th October 2009
FLYING Classroom at Tara & Ramans House with ALL
* Coming together playing with the Lazer light illuminating Crystals, wands, Stones. Some conflict + resolution around turns!
* Reading National Geographic for Kids – discussions about rescuing baby bats – antics of animals in Zoos, animals breeding in captivity or in the wild – natural homes.
*Reviewing “I” short + ‘I” long – ie:- “igh” “y” “i-e”
Reviewing all vowel blends ! from “or” to “au” “al” “aw”
Reading words with Vowel blends.
Putting small sentences with pictures from Jolly Phonetics book)
*Zorah Raman + Kiyara washing guinea pigs caring for them.
Weight – measuring different items on scales.
Guinea pig 528g = ½ kg Lucy
534 = Rocket
606= Rocket + 8 pencils.
From here we ENTERED the DIWALI HOLIDAY “ Indias Festival of LIGHT”
We celebrated with by painting our little Clay Diwali lamps and lightening them on the
ENJOYING the beauty and power of LIGHT in the darkness of the NIGHT
Whatever you feel is remarkable –physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually– write it down!
This material will serve to reflect for us, at least a part of, the experience our Children have when they are coming together!
For the CHILDREN of this planet
For the HERE and NOW
Keep it SIMPLE (;
(S) = Small STARS age 3-4
(M) = Middle Stars age 5-6
(B) = BIG Stars age 8
7 Resonant Warrior UC CIB
Friday 2nd October 2009
FLYING Classroom at Tara & Ramans House with ALL
Pouring rain! Duke as guest
Total resistance to work!
Make Diwali Candles + lamps with
Coloured Paper – each helping the other then started to role play and together came up with the idea to create a production – volunteering for characters scrabbling for costumes –
The Idea forms to present little red riding hood! Making set + scenery
First time run through to clarify the sequence reminding each other of the script!
A lot of fun+ laughter!
Then much preparation refining costume + scenery + backdrop
Introduction very formal – the “real” show becomes very serious, less fun – but by the end they can’t help but come out
Many responses from watching the video then inspired to do it all over again and played preparing to do it all over and had much more fun
So no final production ever happened
Only the joy of bringing it together!
10 Planetary Eagle Lahun Men -
Mon 5th October 2009
FLYING Classroom at Tara & Ramans House with ALL
Circle discussing weekend activities Request for “ what’s the time Mr. Wolf” – 10 mins started with letter “d’’ – Zorah drumming drawing Zorah d drum then player drum then stick
Sounding out all the “d” words + spelling Tara & Kalen
Then Raman Zorah + Kiyara drawing letters on white board
Introducing letter 6 how much is 6? Counting spiral snails
Tara and Kalen – duck – quack – qu – kw sound sounding all the words + writing
Then “ue” – u-e- ew making “you” sound cue cub cube few “oo” moon
Then we read for a while – magic hats taking turns each page Tara + Kalen helping each other
Zorah, Raman, Kiyara playing with Clipp pieces
Tara + Kalen looking into different ways of saying “er” – “ir”- “ur”
Supper – bird- turn
Discussing next theatre production – Zorah”
Playing games – beading – Petshop movie
11 Spectral Warrior Hun Lahun CIB
Tues 6th October 2009
We started with the creation of GODEYES. It took us about ½ hour to figure out how to do it – wrapping the wool around the sticks and throughout the process we created quite a few interesting things like Aero planes/petshop cushions and GODEYES
‘M’ dot to dot until 30 and coloring. We counted together until 30 over again.
All Kalen played the ‘teacher’ and explored with them the matter of making, ice cups. Hot and cold repetition
‘M’ shapes and No on the blackboard
Story time – ‘B’ reading the, Eye Book do the little ones.
Lunch time – making Chapattis with the Kids.
We opened up the Pool. It was so hot. The children helped in cleaning and filling up and made whirlpools.
They were all very independent on getting undressed and drying themselves and hanging the towels for drying.
Free Play after lunch
‘B’ – Tara Maths time table.
- Kalen repeating the Time on the watch.
Friday 9th October 2009
FLYING Classroom at Tara & Ramans House with ALL
* Coming together playing with the Lazer light illuminating Crystals, wands, Stones. Some conflict + resolution around turns!
* Reading National Geographic for Kids – discussions about rescuing baby bats – antics of animals in Zoos, animals breeding in captivity or in the wild – natural homes.
*Reviewing “I” short + ‘I” long – ie:- “igh” “y” “i-e”
Reviewing all vowel blends ! from “or” to “au” “al” “aw”
Reading words with Vowel blends.
Putting small sentences with pictures from Jolly Phonetics book)
*Zorah Raman + Kiyara washing guinea pigs caring for them.
Weight – measuring different items on scales.
Guinea pig 528g = ½ kg Lucy
534 = Rocket
606= Rocket + 8 pencils.
From here we ENTERED the DIWALI HOLIDAY “ Indias Festival of LIGHT”
We celebrated with by painting our little Clay Diwali lamps and lightening them on the
ENJOYING the beauty and power of LIGHT in the darkness of the NIGHT
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